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Andrew Loyd

Stay Inside

There is a lot more to see in the world than you think, and although you may think that means you should explore, I'm here to tell you the opposite is true.

I've been alive for an amount of time. I've seen what this new modern world is and is becoming. Here's why you should stay inside.

You Can Explore From Home

We live in a time. We have phones that have access to the entire internet where we can view pictures of any location in the world. Why would you dedicate so much effort into going somewhere that you can see from your phone?

I could open youtube right now and look up "snowboarding in norway" and then I never have to go snowboarding in Norway. It is a waste of time, effort, money, and time to go anywhere in person, at all. Even to the store. You can doordash food and groceries. You can work from home. Stay Inside.

The Human Body

The human body was originally designed to be a hunter gatherer, but ever since the industrial revolution the human body immediately adapted and evolved to be a consumer and a worker. Why would you do something your body isn't supposed to do?

You're supposed to stay inside and work all day. Why crave adventure? That literally isn't what you were created for. You were created to work and consume. Stay inside.

You Could Get Hurt

While it is true that you could get hurt inside as well, you could get hurt so much more easily outside. When was the last time you jumped? You better not jump again. You could hurt yourself. When was the last time you climbed? You better not climb again. You could hurt yourself.

Why would you go outside to experience life for yourself when you could get hurt in the dangerous world? Stay Inside.

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Great advice. I'm never going outside again, I never knew how dangerous it could be! And your right, my family was planning a trip to Egypt and we were supposed to go in may, but after reading this I looked up pictures of the great pyramids and then I told them that I wasn't gunna go and after they persisted I killed them, so, now I wont get hurt!

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