The amount of time you have in the day is extremely limited. Between work and school and videogames and sleep and going to the bathroom and scrolling through social media and partying and probably other stuff you only have like 30 minutes or something to actually live life.
A lot of people fill this void by learning how to do new things and filling their time with hobbies. I'm here to tell you that you have all been mislead by the IBXW.
The Downsides
Here are some of the biggest downsides of learning how to do new things.
You won't have time for other things you already know you enjoy. You already enjoy going on your phone watching youtube/tik tok/instagram. Why would you risk doing something you won't enjoy if you can get happy chemicals from safer activities?
You might be bad at it. You may put a lot of effort into learning a new skill, but at the end of the day, people are born with talent. Even if you work hard at developing yourself, you might get surpassed by someone who already has a talent for it. Why would you invest time into learning and doing something if you aren't going to be the best at it?
My mommy said no. My mommy said I can't learn the skill I'm sorry maybe tomorrow.
It's hard to learn new things. Even if you had time and money, you still need to use your brain and body at a normal healthy functioning level to learn things. And that's hard. I promise you will be happier if you just stick with whatever already releases the big happy.
More Downsides Just In A Different Section
Here are some more of the biggest downsides of learning how to do new things, just in a different section.
You could get hurt! The human body is made to sit or lay down all day, not to run and jump and balance and create. The human body is made to consume. The human body isn't supposed to be used. The human body should sit where you tell it to. Don't get up. You could get hurt.
Every single thing you can think of learning is harder to do than it looks. Even the stuff that looks easy only looks easy because the person doing it has done it for years. Skateboarding? Hard. Learning how to play the glockenspiel? Difficult. Solving a rubix cube? (actually really easy but im trying to make a point so shut up). Hard.
The Solution
The solution may seem obvious but it actually isn't. Not only should you not learn new skills, but it is also imperative that you forget old skills you used to have. Your brain can remember things too well, so I recommend distracting yourself constantly until you can't feel anything any more. The only reason why your brain is so good at remembering things is because we used to have to hunt animals and forrage for berries and actually live life instead of sitting in our houses all day doordashing food and working from home. When was the last time you went outside for fun? Don't remember? Good.