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Don't Take Risks

Andrew Loyd

Let's face it, life is scary. There is so much you can't control, so much stress, so much randomness, so much change. When I think about it my heart rate accelerates, and scary chemicals entire my brain - and it should do the same to you too.

That being said, there are ways we can make life less scary and unpredictable. There are ways we can protect our precious little emotions from coming out in ways we don't want them to... which brings me to the point of todays blog: Don't Take Risks.

Once, when I was a wee little boy, I was swimming with my family at a river in Oregon. I had all my fancy swimming gear on and I was taking swimming lessons, so I felt confident doing something slightly more daring: swimming to the other side. I started paddling, determined to make it there before I got too tired.

Suddenly, I felt my snorkel dip below the waterline, and it was too late. Water poured into my mouth and down my throat as I inhaled. Shocked, I spat the snorkel out and tried to bring my mouth up to cough out the water, but it didn't work. I was completely unable to tread water. Time to switch to the backup plan, because I'm not dying today. I thought to myself. I summoned all the courage I could, and swam as fast as I could to the closest rock I could cling onto.

I almost died that day, and most people probably would've but I'm just a baller like that. Taking risks is risky. Taking risks never pays off. Stay Home, you're only going to get your heart broken.



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